
CGTP-IN saúda 1º de Maio no Japão

japanA CGTP-IN enviou uma mensagem em que saúda e envia solidariedade às comemorações do 1º de Maio no Japão, promovidas pela central sindical japonesa ZENROREN. Abaixo o texto (em inglês) da saudação.

Dear Comrades,

On the occasion of the 1st of May organised by Zenroren in Japan, the CGTP-IN conveys, on behalf of the workers it organizes in Portugal, the fraternal greetings and solidarity to your trade union organization and, through you, to the Japanese workers and people.

Zenroren is a class oriented trade union, fighting with courage and determination for workers and peoples rights in Japan, for peace and social progress in Japan and internationally.

We stand in total solidarity with Zenroren in your mobilisations across your country in which you are demanding the immediate stop of legislative changes that will lead Japan into defending militaristic positions, contrary to the Japanese peace Constitution, especially in the year of 70th anniversary of the last war and atomic bombings, and also against your government's anti- worker and anti social policies, which is deteriorating workers living standards.

In Portugal, and after having celebrated, with powerful street demonstrations, April 25th, the date of the democratic revolution of 1974, we will also be celebrating the 1st of May, International Workers' Day. In these events, the CGTP-IN and the Portuguese workers and people express their strong commitment to fight against the right wing policies, national and European that are increasing workers and people exploitation and leading our country, to impoverishment and economic and social disaster.

We firmly believe that, only the organized struggle of the masses, with a class orientation, will open the path for a society without exploitation, for a better future for the workers and peoples.

We wish Zenroren and the Japanese workers and people great success in your 1st. of May demonstrations and future struggles.

Solidarity Greetings

Augusto Praça
CGTP-IN International Secretary
Lisbon, 27 April 2015